Peter Knoester Wholesale Bernard King Jersey , author of Poems and Stories from the Heart, Poems and Stories for Children and Stories and Poetry in Motion, has provided readers with yet another thought-provoking and reflective work in Religious Thoughts, Stories Wholesale Allan Houston Jersey , and Poetry. He uses a variety of media to address the great questions of humanity, including the issue of creation.
In a time when creationists and evolutionists are still hotly divided, deriding each other as either ignorant or faithless, Knoester offers a refreshing approach on the issue Wholesale Willis Reed Jersey , instilling a wonder and appreciation of the world and creation in readers. He illuminates how “the very stones in our driveway or on a gravel road” are not human creations but are “from the beginning of time, whether they were in a molten state or as atomic particles or even gaseous form.” Although humans may have chosen to alter their forms or their uses, “they were there at the ‘beginning’ in one form or another.” He helps us to understand that “nothing can be added or taken away from anything that was created by the Almighty.”
He explains that time is the only genuine creation of humans; “I believe time to be a human invention, because basically time does not exist. Although we take the “rotation of the Planets around the sun and the set times of the moon and the deterioration of our body cells Wholesale Phil Jackson Jersey , which causes us to age” as proof that time exists, time is still a conceptual notion used by humans.
While others debate creation in a debasing manner towards the parties that oppose their beliefs, with both the religious and the scientific engaging in nasty rhetoric toward each other, Knoester’s approach is quite refreshing. His unique outlook that humans are able to create concepts Wholesale Mark Jackson Jersey , while God is the only one capable of creating matter, offers a unique perspective that honors and appreciates the infinity and beauty of God’s creation.
Find out more about Religious Thoughts, Stories, and Poetry by visiting
What Is The Truth On MLM? Do You Know... Business Articles | October 22 Wholesale Walt Frazier Jersey , 2005 Just Mention the words "MLM", multi level marketing, network marketing and watch the sparks fly. Reactions range from distrust to anger. You hear words like 'scam" and "fraud" a lot. On the other end ...
Just Mention the words "MLM", multi level marketing Wholesale Anthony Mason Jersey , network marketing and watch the sparks fly. Reactions range from distrust to anger. You hear words like 'scam" and "fraud" a lot. On the other end of the spectrum are those fiercely loyal to Network Marketing.
Why such strongly opposing views?The Pro MLM voices come mainly from within the industry - while the Anti Multi Level Marketing camp is largely on the outside.
But that doesn't paint the whole picture.
Many of those who are adamantly opposed to network marketing were once in the business themselves...and more importantly - failed miserably. It's also true that many of those with the strongest anti-mlm convictions base their opinions on hearsay.
We've all heard the "My cousin ( friend, brother, uncle ) Bob got sucked into one of those things - he lost a pile of money!" Or "Yeah - MLM is a scam - don't waste your time!"So then what is the Truth about MLM?MLM is simply a method of distributing products to the end user that allows a company to maximize revenues in order to pay commissions out to their sales force. These commissions are paid to individual distributors.
Companies minimize costs and maximize profits using this model. Which explains the potential for the huge commission checks you hear about.
But in order for an individual distributor to make money they must spend the bulk of their time recruiting people into their opportunity. In other words - product sales are not the main focus. Recruiting new distributors who will likewise consume the products is the name of the game - and where the big money's made.
It is this factor that creates the bulk of the negative perceptions about the MLM industry.
But does it have to be that way! What's the real problem?Quite simply - it's this...
A new distributor is told to make a list of his or her "warm market". In layman's terms that means every person within their sphere of influence - from the garbage guy to Great Aunt Lucy.
They're told not to let anyone who comes within 3 feet of them get away without hearing their pitch. Suddenly the new distributor realizes that even close friends and family are avoiding them like the plague. So they try running ads about their "great new opportunity"...
We've all seen those!"Make $20,000 a week while yousleep! Call xxx-xxx-xxxx Today!"They pay good money to place those ads. Their upline assured them it would work - only it doesn't!Most of those distributors aren't intentionally trying to "suck someone in". They're simply following instructions from their upline distributor in order to grow their business. And Wholesale Tracy McGrady Jersey , if you're thinking - "Oh then it's that upline guy who's the jerk! You'd be wrong...
You see many of those upline distributors have little or no experience in network marketing guess what they're doing? You got it! Those poor guys and gals are doing whatever their upline told them...and on it goes.
MLM offers an income generating model that's supposed to allow the average person to reach up and grab their piece of the pie. And - it's precisely because a person wants it so badly and is so emotionally involved in the outcome that they get so upset when it doesn't happen.
For most of the honest, hard-working people who swallow their doubts and fears and scrape together the cash to give MLM a shot - the results are dismal.
They jump in with both feet and flog their opportunity to anyone thats breathing.